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Back Yard Bird Sitings 6/15/08 - 6/21/08
Ruby -Throated Hummingbird Black-Capped Chickadee Chipping Sparrow House Sparrow Blue Jay Cardinal Robin American Goldfinch Grackle House Finch Mourning Dove tufted titmouse House Wren White breasted Nuthatch
Nectar Recipe for Hummingbirds
Making your own nectar for hummingbirds is really simple and really works. I've heard some people say that it needs to be red but research and my own experience shows that is not true. Stick to the recipe and do not assume because that it is getting colder in your area that you would need to increase or decrease the amount of sugar. The nice thing about this recipe is it is simple and will keep for about two weeks if kept cold.
4 parts water 1 part sugar easy math there lol
put it in a pot on the stove and bring it to a boil. Once it starts boiling simply turn the heat off and sore the unused portion in the refrigerator.
Remember to change the nectar at least twice a week during the summer and more if it's hot. Also take the time to wash the feeders when you change the nectar.
Peanut Butter Suet Recipe
Here's a quick suet you can make at home. You can also add seeds to it like white millet or fruit. Also as I've mentioned before you can put it in ice cube trays and place them in your feeders. Also if you have a tree the birds use, try smearing some on the trunk.
1 cup suet or lard 1 cup crunchy peanut butter 3 cups yellow corn meal 1/2 cup coarse-chopped shelled sunflower seeds
Melt suet in a saucepan over low heat. Add peanut butter, stirring until melted and well blended. Stir in the sunflower seeds and corn meal. Mix thoroughly Pour into 9 x 13 cake pan and cool Cut into cakes that fit suet feeder Individually wrap the remaining cakes and store in freezer
That was just awesome!
I've NEVER seen anything like this. Just too too sweet! Thanks for posting it.
Absolutely amazing. Thank you for posting this on your site.
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